mardi 29 janvier 2013

CFP: Gender Renewal(s)? RCSL Congress

RCSL Congress Sociology of Law and Political Action - Working Group : Gender and Law
Toulouse, 3-6 Sept. 2013

Taking as a starting point the transformations of the nature, role, and place of law today, the objective of this workshop is to foster and promote debate on their gender implications. Therefore, and so as to conform with the main topic of the congress, papers strengthening the connections between law and politics and their gender consequences will be given preference. As an example, sociologists of law probably know better than most that the impact of the Arab revolutions on women gives a striking example of the interconnections that may exist between politics, law and women’s experience and highlights the ambivalence of political and legal changes when looked at through the gender lens. 

As this session will also symbolize the relaunch and a form of renewal for the Gender and Law WG, we would also like to set it up as an opportunity to map the body of knowledge and new or updated approaches to gender which are coming into being (e.g. intersectionality, globalization, transnationalism, super-diversity, etc.) and which may help reshape the WG for the coming years.

Keywords: Gender - feminist legal theory - intersectionality

The deadline of submission of abstracts for the ISA / RCSL International Congress 2013 is scheduled to February 15th, 2013, last deadline.
If you want to present a paper at the RCSL Toulouse Conference in September 2013, please, submit your paper proposal via the conference website (the “Submit” button is on the bottom of the page).
Contact: Barbara Bello and Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec, genderwg(a)

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